All posts for the month March, 2013
Sun Times Editorial: As Court Mulls, Bring Gay Marriage Here
March 26, 2013
For on-the-fence lawmakers in Illinois, there is but one take-away from Tuesday’s U.S. Supreme arguments on same-sex marriage:In the name of justice, think globally but act locally.

Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy: Support Same Sex Marriage
March 25, 2013
In my travels, I've witnessed firsthand that gay and lesbian couples want to marry for the same reasons all of us do -- to share a lifetime of commitment. Illinois, Take This Step
March 15, 2013
The Illinois Senate approved legislation that will legalize marriage between same-sex couples in Illinois. The Illinois House Executive Committee recommended passage of the legislation. Members of Illinois Congressional Delegation Urge Illinois House Members to Pass Marriage Equality Bill
March 14, 2013
As a final vote in the Illinois House of Representatives looms, influential members of Illinois’ congressional delegation called on lawmakers in their home state to support the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples. Faith Leaders Praise Marriage Bill’s Protections of Religious Freedom
March 10, 2013
With a vote fast approaching in the Illinois House of Representatives on a bill that would give same sex couples the freedom to marry, hundreds of faith leaders across Illinois are touting the bill’s strong protections of religious freedom for faiths that do not recognize same-sex marriage. Opinion: Why I Changed My Mind on Gay Marriage
March 7, 2013
When I began working for the Illinois legislature four decades ago, same-sex marriage was not on the legislative agenda. Renowned Chicago Athletes Support the Freedom to Marry in Illinois
As a decisive vote in the Illinois House of Representatives approaches, four celebrated Chicago athletes announced their support for extending the freedom to marry to gay and lesbian couples in Illinois.Mayor Rahm Emanuel: “It’s Time for Illinois to Take the Lead.”
March 4, 2013
This morning, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel sent the below message to supporters of the freedom to marry in Illinois:Here in Illinois, we’ve always taken the lead.
Chicago Tribune: The GOP Warms to Marriage Equality
March 3, 2013
Only one Republican voted for the same-sex marriage bill that passed the Illinois Senate on Valentine's Day. The measure squeaked out of a House committee last week without a single Republican vote. Quad City Times: Gay Marriage is a Right For Illinois
March 2, 2013
Illinois is in the final stretch down a gay marriage path already charted in nine other states.