All posts for the month June, 2013

The Time Is Now: Meet Tim and Rick
June 27, 2013
Tim and Rick live in small-town Illinois in their hometown of Marion. After 16 years together, they’re not that different from any other couple. 
Chicago Urban League Affirms Support for Marriage Equality Following Supreme Court Decisions
Following yesterday's historic Supreme Court rulings striking down the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Proposition 8 (Prop8), the Chicago Urban League released a statement reaffirming their support for marriage equality and calling on the Illinois House of Representatives to take immediate action and pass the freedom to marry for same-sex couples.
What it means for Illinois
June 26, 2013
Today is a day to remember. The Supreme Court just issued rulings on the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8. Illinois Unites for Marriage Responds to Historic Supreme Court Rulings
Following historic Supreme Court decisions that struck down the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and restored the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in California, Illinois Unites for Marriage released the following statements.AP: Illinois Activists Celebrate Gay Marriage Decision
Advocates of gay marriage in Illinois celebrated landmark rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, saying the clarity on a federal marriage act and California ban would benefit same-sex Illinois couples married in other states and fuel momentum to legalize gay marriage in President Barack Obama's home state.Chicago Sun-Times: Make State Proud for Patrick and Jim
June 21, 2013
Pride.I’ve been thinking about the word since last month when I spent time with Jim Darby, 81, and Patrick Bova, 75, down in Springfield.
Illinois Unites Continues Commitment to Winning the Freedom to Marry in the Land of Lincoln
June 14, 2013
Today Illinois Unites for Marriage, the coalition working in support of The Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, outlined the next steps to continue the work towards winning the freedom to marry in Illinois. A search for a campaign manager, an expanded field team and a restructured coalition are included in the plan to proceed after the Illinois House of Representatives failed to act on marriage for same-sex couples. We’re Hiring: Campaign Manager for Illinois Unites for Marriage
June 13, 2013
Illinois Unites for Marriage, the campaign organization leading the effort to win the freedom to marry in Illinois, is seeking a qualified Campaign Manager to run a statewide advocacy campaign to secure enactment of freedom to marry legislation. Northwestern Students Organize to Support Marriage
June 11, 2013
Our legislators may have failed to bring up SB10 for a vote before the session ended, but we're not giving up