All posts for the month October, 2013

Illinois Mayors join ‘Mayors 4 Marriage Equality,” urge legislators to pass SB10
October 29, 2013
Several mayors from cities and towns across Illinois signed onto a letter urging the Illinois House of Representatives to pass marriage equality during veto session, stating that “families cannot wait any longer for the State of Illinois to respect their freedom to marry.” Senate Bill 10 – the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act – won overwhelming, bipartisan passage in the Illinois Senate in February and currently awaits action in the House. Illinois Mayors Join Together to Urge Legislators to Pass Freedom to Marry During Veto Session
With the Illinois General Assembly returning to Springfield next week, several mayors from cities and towns across Illinois signed onto a letter urging the Illinois House of Representatives to pass marriage equality during veto session, stating that “families cannot wait any longer for the State of Illinois to respect their freedom to marry.” Senate Bill 10 – the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act – won overwhelming, bipartisan passage in the Illinois Senate in February and currently awaits action in the House.
The Time is Now: Meet Mandi Hinkley and Chai Wolfman
October 28, 2013
Mandi and Chai met while working together at a bagel shop during their sophomore year of college. Chai was 19 when she arrived for her first shift, and Mandi was assigned to train her. Chatting over the sandwiches they were serving, Mandi said, “I bet I know exactly what you were like in high school.” Mandi proceeded to successfully guess many things about Chai’s high school experience, which Chai found intriguing. Before they knew it, the two women were inseparable. 
Rep. Deb Conroy will cosponsor the marriage bill
October 24, 2013
Rep. Deb Conroy (D-Villa Park) announced this week that she will now cosponsor the marriage bill. 
Thousands rally and march on Springfield in support of marriage
Illinois Unites for Marriage joined over 5,000 Illinoisans in the streets of Springfield on October 22nd to support the freedom to marry. Supporters from all over the state gathered at the Capitol to tell lawmakers that Illinois can't wait for marriage. Though it was a cold and rainy day, energy was high and we know our lawmakers heard our voices.
Chicago Tribune: Time to vote on the future of marriage
October 23, 2013
The Chicago Tribune has long been a vocal advocate for marriage equality in Illinois. In the past, they have published multiple editorials endorsing the freedom to marry in Illinois. Today, they continue to speak out on behalf of loving and committed couples throughout Illinois that are denied marriage protections, and are urging Illinois lawmakers to act now. 
Gov. Pat Quinn: Illinois can’t wait any longer for the freedom to marry
October 22, 2013
As we begin the fall veto session today, please join me in supporting Illinois Unites for Marriage by asking members of the Illinois House of Representatives to pass the marriage equality bill so I can sign it into law. 
The Lake County News-Sun endorses marriage for same-sex couples in Illinois
October 18, 2013
The Lake County News, a publication of the Chicago Sun-Times, has endorsed SB10. SB10 is currently awaiting passage by the Illinois legislature, and they will hear the bill during the fall veto session, which begins on October 22nd. The Lake County News cites that the Illinois legislature has waited too long on this issue, and are calling on them to take action. The Lake County News understands that allows same-sex couples to marry will only strengthen Illinois's communities and families.
African-American Clergy Urge Illinois House to Pass Freedom to Marry During Veto Session
As the Illinois General Assembly returns to Springfield next week for its fall veto session, African-American clergy and faith leaders gathered today to show their support for the freedom to marry and urge the Illinois House of Representatives to pass the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, saying “we remind Illinois of the fierce urgency of now.” The clergy present today, including Rev. Dr. Delman Coates who was instrumental in enacting marriage equality in Maryland, represent a range of faiths and a diverse community of congregations, including gay and lesbian parents who are raising children in loving families.
Help us meet our fall veto session goal
October 15, 2013
On Tuesday, October 22nd -- just one week from today-- Illinois lawmakers return to Springfield for fall veto session. This is our best, and quite possibly our only chance to secure the freedom to marry this year.