All posts for the month November, 2013

Together, we build one of the largest grassroots campaigns in IL’s history
November 19, 2013
As thousands of supporters from across the State of Illinois get set to converge on Chicago for the enactment of Senate Bill 10, the Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, the Illinois Unites for Marriage Campaign today released a summary of its work, demonstrating in raw the numbers the grassroots' nature of the activity that led to passage of the bill. Governor Pat Quinn is set to sign SB10 at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, in front of an expected audience of 3,000 people at the University of Illinois-Chicago campus. As marriage equality bill is set to become law, Illinois Unites for Marriage Campaign lauds grassroots work that led to victory
As thousands of supporters from across the State of Illinois get set to converge on Chicago for the enactment of Senate Bill 10, the Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, the Illinois Unites for Marriage Campaign today released a summary of its work, demonstrating in raw the numbers the grassroots' nature of the activity that led to passage of the bill. Governor Pat Quinn is set to sign SB10 at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, in front of an expected audience of 3,000 people at the University of Illinois-Chicago campus.Illinois Marriage Law FAQs by Lambda Legal and the ACLU
November 6, 2013
With all the excitement following Illinois becoming the 15th state to offer the freedom to marry also comes many questions! To learn more about the Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act and its implementation, visit Lambda Legal and the ACLU's FAQs here. Illinois House passes the freedom to marry
November 5, 2013
In a major legislative victory that secures equal treatment for all families under the law in our state, the Illinois House passed Senate Bill 10 with a historic vote today that will make Illinois the 15th state to recognize the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples. As excited and emotional same-sex couples looked on, the bill’s sponsors thanked the many people involved in getting the legislation passed. The bill – the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act – now returns to the Illinois Senate for final approval then moves to the desk of Governor Pat Quinn, who has vowed to sign it into law as soon as he can. 
Victory in the Illinois House!
The Illinois House just passed the freedom to marry! In a vote count of 61:54, the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act passed on the House floor. The marriage bill now moves to the Senate for a procedural vote before Governor Quinn signs it into law.
Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth: Marriage equality “is the right course for our state”
This morning, Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, who has previously been undecided on SB10, announced that she will vote for marriage equality on the House floor.
Rep. Al Riley will vote for the freedom to marry
November 4, 2013
Rep. Al Riley -- who has previously not committed to a "yes" or "no" vote on SB10 -- announced this week that he will vote in favor of the marriage bill once it reaches the House floor. 
The Time is Now: Meet Tracy and Michelle Simon-Selander
Tracy Simon and Michelle Selander met the way a lot of married couples meet-- during college, at their alma mater of Northern Illinois University. The pair was introduced by their mutual friend in 1995. Though they did not immediately have a romantic relationship, the women were close friends for year and a half before they realized they were in love. “After graduation, we both moved back to our hometowns. It was during this time apart, we realized that we had something much more than friendship,” Michelle said. “I never wanted to be apart from Tracy. That was in 1997, and we have been very much in love ever since!”Diverse Clergy and Faith Leaders Coalition Urges Illinois House to Pass Freedom to Marry During Veto Session
Broad interfaith coalition supports SB10, say “it’s a matter of conscience and justice”
Watch: The Time is Now for Illinois Families
November 1, 2013
Illinois families can't wait any longer for the freedom to marry. Lawmakers said they would return to Springfield in the fall to vote on marriage equality legislation -- and now, thousands of loving couples across the state are counting on them to keep their word.